The Raintree Village Homeowners Association “DECLARATIONS OF COVENANTS,CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, ARTICLE V – BUILDING USE AND RESTRICTIONS,SECTION 11, LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY” clearly states: Section 11. Livestock and PoultryNo livestock, animals or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred orkept on any lot except dogs, cats or other household pets may be keptprovided that they …
FAQ Group: Raintree Village HOA FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about the
Raintree Village Homeowners Association
What are the rules for curbside recycling?
Click this link for Mixed Recycling Guidelines.Click this link for Yard Waste Recycling Guidelines.The City of Troy recycling webpage is here.
My property is adjacent to a commons area. Can I encroach into or alter any of the RVHA Commons Area as I see fit?
No person shall willfully mark, deface, disfigure, perform maintenance to, tamper with, displace any trees, shrubs, flowers any other RVHA Commons Area property without authorization from the RVHA Board of Directors. No one may introduce any trees, plants, grass, shrubs, or ground cover into any RVHA Commons Area, nor can any structure, fence, sprinkler system, …
Why are fireworks and fires not permitted in the Raintree Village Commons areas?
The reason is the substantial liability risk for personal injury and property damage that the association would be exposed to by permitting such fireworks displays on Raintree Village Commons areas property. If you want to launch fireworks, do it from your own private property and take the liability risk upon yourself.
I represent a Title Agency. How do I obtain a current status letter of an address in Raintree Village for an upcoming sale?
While we do not charge a fee for your HOA status letter request, we require that the “New Owner Registration Form” be completed with the information of the new buyers and returned to us. Please send the completed form in an email request for the status letter to the email address. Once we have …
Are sheds permitted by the RVHA bylaws?
There are no RVHA prohibitions against erecting a shed in the backyard. The only prohibition in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions regarding such structures is that they cannot be used as a residence. The City of Troy, however, has several rules concerning the construction of sheds in residential areas. A shed permit …
Are dues mandatory or optional?
Dues are $33 per house for 2024, pay for commons area maintenance, and are mandatory, as recorded in the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions“, Liber 6445, pages 310-320, Oakland County.
Are fences permitted by the RVHA bylaws?
No fence of any kind shall be permitted to be erected, maintained or placed upon any lot or lot line between the front property line and the front building setback line (this means no fences in front of the house). The City of Troy ordinances cover other rules for fences in Chapter 83, Fences, which …